Breast Augmentation Costs

If you are unsure, or if you feel pressured, you should reconsider having breast augmentation surgery. The breast augmentation procedure and implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime. As you age, experience changes with your weight, or decide to have children, it may be that further surgery is required. As a general rule of thumb, breast implants can be replaced after at least 10 years.
You will also need to work with your Surgeon to ensure you allow time for adequate and proper healing. Moreover, it is of the utmost importance that you consult with your Surgeon before fat grafting face returning to daily activities such as driving, lifting and exercise. Always research the procedure, be healthy, do not smoke before or after your procedure and understand your risks.

Once these side effects are gone, your implants should appear as they did in the 3D rendering we created. Most women are back to their schedule within one to two weeks and can resume rigorous exercise within six to eight weeks. Complications are rare, as Dr Ek has a stellar track record of safety and success in this procedure.
Furthermore, implants are available in a variety of coatings including smooth or textured. Dr Lin will discuss with you the pros and cons of each type of implant. You will also have the opportunity in the rooms to see and feel the different implants for yourself. As every individual and every case is unique, it is advisable to discuss your needs with your surgeon.
Some patients do have significant drooping of the breast in which case they would require a surgical breast lift or manipulation of the chest muscle. A lot of patients do not choose a breast lift because it does involve cutting of the skin all around the nipple. The procedure also involves some degree of manipulation of the breast tissue. This type of “boob job” produces a scar that looks like an inverted “T”. If you are a candidate for breast augmentation, Melbourne contains one of the best surgeries for breast enlargement and plastic surgery. VCI has operated on a number of clients who have been extremely happy with the results.

This is important to ensure that the right implant is matched with your goals and natural body shape. If you choose a breast implant that is too large for your tissue or frame, the implant edges may be visible or palpable after your surgery. If this is the look that you want, you should also know that excessively large implants may speed up the effects of gravity on the breast and could contribute to drooping or sagging at an earlier age.
At Cosmetic Avenue, your comfort, health and happiness are paramount. This will include your Melbourne Plastic Surgeon’s fee, Anaesthetist fee, Surgical Assistant fee and the hospital fees. Every patient is unique and surgery results can vary from patient to patient. It is important to work with your Surgeon and to keep your expectations realistic.

Many patients who have breast reconstruction in only one breast may still need a breast augmentation or reduction in their other breast to achieve an aesthetically well-balanced look. The second group are women who have usually had one or more children and wish to restore some aspect of the breast shape and size that they had previously. Often the breasts have lost volume and the shape has suffered over time. An augmentation may address these issues very nicely although some individuals may need a breast lift separately. At your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon and nurse will have an open discussion with you about what you would like your breasts to look like after the procedure.
You can begin to ease back into light physical activities after 2 weeks. For further information or to arrange a consultation, please contact Eastern Plastic Surgery today. We would routinely use antibiotics to prevent infection and blood thinning medications to prevent clots . Patients may generally return to work after 10 days, unless their job involves heavy lifting.
At Avenue Plastic Surgery we offer excellence and experience in breast enlargement by autologous fat transfer. This is a controversial topic and there is no right or wrong answer as to whether or not you should wear a bra in the early postoperative period. Some plastic surgeons use no bras at all whereas others advise that a patient wears their bra for the first 3-4 weeks continuously, i.e. 24 hours a day. I think it would be fair to say that the patient should avoid a push up or displacing bra in the early postoperative period as almost certainly this will shift the position of the implant. Although there are several methods of natural breast enhancement advertised on the Internet, TV, radio, and in magazines, these products are costly and are not clinically proven to work.

This means that the base width of the implant is the same as its base height. For some women who want the ‘fuller’ look this can work well, however this needs to be discussed during your consultation to achieve the result you’re after. During your consultation, Dr Carmen will carefully listen to your concerns and expectations, as well as discussing your reasons for surgery, health history, and risk factors. Your diet, exercise, personality, body frame and quality of your breast tissue are also factors which will need to be taken into consideration. Always choose a specialist plastic surgeon that has experience in your desired procedure. During your consultation Dr Carmen will carefully listen to your concerns and expectations, as well as discussing your reasons for surgery, health history, and risk factors.

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